| - I really never thought I'd be writing a 5 star review for a laundromat, but this place impressed me. Most importantly, it was clean and all the machines appeared to be in working order. Usually there are at least one of two out-if-order signs, but this place had none. There was a good range of machines, from standard, to large, to super enormous. I used the largest washer, and it accommodated about a month's worth of laundry (not a scientific measurement, but it was a very large load). The dryer worked well. Ample folding space and carts, too. Much less cramped than the other laundromats I've been to. Also, there is a cafe inside, which is a nice touch. The menu sounded good, and based on the food I saw other customers enjoying I will definitely try it in the future. Generally it seems like the management cares about running a professional, inviting, and comfortable business.