Yelp will probably screen this review, as they have a couple other bad ones, but please please find another dentist. I brought my daughter to Dr. Schwartz because she needed some work done and he is the only dentist north of Sick Kids that works with a hospital, which I figured is a good thing. Well, I don't know if it's from years of dealing with overly worried parents (which is totally understandable) but he is not a pleasant person to see...and I'm adult. I cannot even imagine how terrifying a grouchy angry man prying into your mouth would be for a small child. On top of that his work wasn't very good. After putting my daughter though all that (read the other reviews about screaming and traumatized children) and shelling out all that money we've already had to have some of his work redone. Run, and run fast parents! If, for whatever reason you have to see Dr. Schwartz, just stroke his ego a bit. He'll at least be a little more pleasant.