Friends were on a long layover here so I picked them up and took them straight here to eat. We sat and were getting ready to order when two workers came and told us the health department was there and their water isn't hot enough, they are getting shut down. The second worker said "we will make it up to you" and told us to leave quietly, but that's all he said so not really sure what that meant. Some people were currently eating, not sure how that went for them. Seems like they were trying to quickly and quietly get people out before health department made an announcement. I know restaurants have violations from time to time but I'd there is no hot water early in the day when there are very few customers, you should know it's unacceptable to serve food. Not hot enough to wash dishes or even hands!
** they lied. They were on dirty dining a week later and were shut down for a week due to the massive roach infestation. Nasty.