I took my daughter here because she was swayed by the commericals and I agreed to it because I had fond memories of going to CEC when I was a kid. However this place was horrible.
I put a twenty into the token machine and when the tokens started coming out my daughter and I were suddenly mobbed by six or seven little grubby kids asking for tokens. The one girl held up a dollar and said the other machine was broken so I assumed she wanted to buy some of our tokens. I handed her four of our tokens and then she stuck her dollar back in her pocket. Then she and the other kids started thrusting their hands into catcher full of tokens like crazed animals and some of them were actually tugging on my purse, I had to bring it around to the front of my person so they'd stop pawing it.
My husband who was going to order pizza stopped ordering and came over because he said it looked like we were being mobbed. When he asked what was going on I said, "these kids are looking for free handouts." They weren't really looking for handouts though, they were looking to steal all my tokens that I just bought for my daughter. Their behavior was freaky and highly inappropriate. If my kid acted that way I would implode. So my husband and I just grabbed as many of the tokens as we could out of the little catcher and walked away. They continued to buzz around the token machines probably harassing other people.
The savory highlights:
The machines are dirty and don't work properly.
The staff is a bunch of teenagers who don't give a crap.
No effective security - kids can easily be stolen.
Asshole parents who didn't watch their grubby little trolls.
We don't know about the food because I told my husband to not bother ordering, we got pizza later from Rocky's.
So if you want to waste your money, get your purse stolen, get harassed by little scrubs, have your kid play with dirty, broken toys, this is the place for you!