Price wise this store has a big selection of groceries at a reasonable price.
Where they lack is in customer service. I stood in line for almost 15 minutes without even an "I'm sorry I'll be with you shortly" while I watched an older African American cashier with a scarf wrapped around her hair belittle the customer in front of me because she had made the mistake of asking her to check her food stamp balance.
She proceeded with a snotty attitude to ask her why she didn't know when she got her benefits every month.
When I'd had just about enough of her blatant nastiness towards the other customer. I smiled at the cashier and said to her in what I thought might lighten the mood "Smile it's a beautiful day outside".
Right away she stopped doing what she was doing and looked at me with a look of disgust and said " I'm not going to smile just because your telling me to smile. Because there's nothing to smile about and I'm not going to stand here smiling like a f$&@?!$ idiot just because you say so.
So I ask you Fry store should this employee be retrained in proper customer service?