| - I actually have been seeing her for a couple of years now. I started seeing her for hormone issues, adrenal fatigue and pain management for Fibromyalgia. She used to offer IV treatments which is what I was seeing her to get and it worked. She used to have a wonderful nurse on staff that was so amazing. I'm a difficult patient because I'm allergic to pretty much everything. Patti was great at first but in the past year, I got the feeling she didn't want to work with me anymore because of my limitations. That was confirmed recently when my manager made some changes to my availability at work that made me seek FMLA. When I went to her, the person that has been treating me for pain management, and adrenal fatigue for the past couple of years to fill out my FMLA paperwork, she wanted to meet with me and fill it out together. The first appt I made, she was running late (30 minutes) and I had to reschedule because I had another appt to get together (I got the paperwork 2 days before this appt). She didn't have any available appts until 2 days before the paperwork was due and I begged the office assistant to ask her to look at the paperwork beforehand. When I went to my appt, that was literally the first time she read the paperwork, and then started questioning me on my pain, saying she didn't know I was missing work (I have a flex schedule that I was allowed to make up time but that was changing, hens the FMLA request), saying I could work from home so what's the issue (I can only do some of my work from home), and then said she didn't feel comfortable filling it out and I needed to see a specialist if it was that bad. I was almost in tears and shocked. This was someone I had been seeing for over 2 years and she had previously helped me so much. I had recently seen her while being sick and she has become a "teaching" facility. The nurse practitioner in school found I had swollen glands. She said, "that's normal for being sick". I have had bronchitis now 3 times in 6 months and a sinus infection. She didn't even seem concerned that I had swollen glands. I know I'm not easy because now i'm allergic to literally everything, but to see me and then not treat me? At least have the decency to tell me you don't want to be my PCP anymore. I am going to go to a new doctor now, someone who can and will at least refer me to the right place.