It honestly pains me to have to even give this place one star. While I have never eaten here I NEVER will. On Saturday I parked in an open lot behind this location. The lot had a 4 hour time limit. After the 3 hours that I was at the square I returned to my car only to find a big truck parked behind me. The spot next to me was open and I figured I could easily maneuver my car through this spot without having to have the truck owner move. As I was getting into my car 2 men came out of the restaurant one wearing a chef jacket and the other was the truck owner, presumably an employee also. The truck guy starts screaming at me asking why I would ever think it's okay to park where I was parked or try to leave the spot without getting him first. I explained my thought process to which I was told was "pretty stupid." The chef then came up to my passenger window and asked me where I was while I was gone. I told him I didn't feel like that was his business and he kept asking. I told him I was at cool beans and he replied "not for that long you weren't." I rolled up my window and the truck was moved all the while the owner of the truck was in the cab throwing his arms in the air and screaming some more. I'm not sure in what world it is okay to try to intimidate someone that wasn't doing anything wrong, let alone a young woman that's by herself. Harassment is never okay and was the last thing I expected on a Saturday afternoon in the Medina square. I will tell everyone I know not to ever go to this restaurant again!