I bought recently an unlocked iPhone (so I can use it when I go to Europe, which is at least twice a year)...and the customer service was rather crappy, the employees walk around with an air of arrogance, you ask for help and they turn around and leave you talking to yourself. I asked the Black girl if I could use the phone with the current SIM card and she said yes, while actually i had to go to my carrier and get a smaller card...which means she knows dung about the products. I don't really care about the flare, or the architectural style of the store or whether people worship Steve Jobs or not, I care for customer service..in this sense Apple is no better than McDonalds...probably next time I need an Apple product I'll go online, and for tips about how to use their stuff there are lots of websites or can go to the forums at the Apple website...the Genius bar..I think it's a rather Dumb-ass bar