I started coming to this clinic after a car accident. To make a long story short, my husband completely quit snoring after having just a few adjustments by dr. Holly. I recovered quickly from my back injury, and once I started seeing her I didn't have to take any muscle relaxers or pain relievers.
Overall it took coming in three times a week for four months, but I was so much better and haven't had any problems since. During this same time she helped a friend of mine who had been in a major car accident (36 surgeries in a hospital) and was still having trouble using her hands and fingers properly to completely recover use of her hands and fingers.
Our medical bills have significantly lowered since being a part of a regular maintenance plan and we almost never have to go to a family doctor Except on rare occasion. Seasonal allergies have significantly decreased and overall health and immune systems have improved.
The initial plan can be quite expensive or not, depending on what your X-rays show, but you can tell dr holly is invested in educating you to take care of yourself and she gives the best adjustments! I don't know where we would be without her having helped us out these last three years.