There isn't much to say about gas stations but I'm going to give it a shot.
I am going to say that this is a great general location. It competes with an esso but its right off the highway. If you are on the highway rocking to some usher and your gas light goes on, its a really long way from hurontario to the next exit. It's also one of the places where the backlog of traffic can occur. This makes the hurontario exit a key stopping site for those going into the city on a low tank of gas.
However, it would have been even better if the gas station were on the west side of the road, as it is very hard to access it unless you do a U turn or can drive over curbs.
A great location generally but not specifically.
In terms of gas, it has it. It also is brightly lit but to counter that, it doesn't accept aeroplan!