| - If I had been anywhere else other than the south, the experience that I had at Sixt might not have been nearly as charming as it was.
If you were to judge it from it's storefront size, you'd think it to be a rather a "small beans" operation, but this company, which I'm told, has comes to the US from Europe within the last 2 years.
If I didn't know better I would suspect that wasn't even a real business because it's unusually small and intimate, while remaining professional, modern, and sleek, though not slick.
What I enjoyed about this experience is that it was SIMPLE.
I didn't have to endure a litany of questions about insurance options and have to deal with long ass contracts full of disclaimers and disorienting legalese that ends with the old "initial-this initial-that" mambo!
It was a very direct, very simple and straightforward transaction.
Now if I'd gotten in an accident or something it may have all coming raining shit down on me, but I didn't, so it was great.
They have a shuttle that goes to and from the airport when they call for a driver to do so.
Sixt does not, however, occur to me as the kind of place you'd appreciate if you're in a hurry, need it yesterday, or suffer bouts of impatience.
But if you're looking for something that's inexpensive and a great bargain considering, this ain't bad.
It's' definitely the "little business that could", but you know what? I hope they never lose their charm.