I LOVE InMotion!
I came to InMotion a few years ago by way of a mutual friend who introduced me to Heather (owner) at a cycling event.
As a professional triathlete, Heather saw to it that I had any treatment I needed on a regular basis to keep me moving forward with my training and racing. Weekly massage, ART (for those of you who have not done this... you should... it is Active Release Technique and is great for tight muscles and those nagging issues), Cold Laser treatment, compression recovery, chiropractic and the list goes on and on!
Stop by and give it a try! Say HI to Judy at the front desk, get a massage from Laurel or Drew, some ART from Heather, slip into the NormaTec recovery boots after a hard workout and discover just how good your body can really feel!
Tell them Kristi sent you.