| - After receiving a HUGE box of Huggies diapers size 4 at my baby shower, I was thankful to the gift giver. It wasn't until my daughter outgrew size 4's and I went into the storage closet to see the box of unused diapers, I freaked!! So I went to BBRus to exchange the size from a box of 4's to a box of 5's and they wouldn't allow me to exchange because it was over the 90 day "return window." I wasn't trying to get money from them, I wasn't trying to exchange it for something completely different...I only wanted to exhange sizes. After some back and forth with the cashier, I asked what he thought I should do with a 220-ct. box of diapers that I can't use and his response was, "I don't know, give it to a friend." He wasn't trying to be understanding and they couldn't just exchange a size. Walmart and Target are VERY accomodating for returns/exchanges. I also feel like I'm always jumping through hoops to try and use a coupon from them. They have SO MANY exclusions: Diapers, wipes, strollers, cribs, formula, carseats, bedding, anything your baby may need in it's life span. You can use the coupon basically on a tub of "baby puffs." I feel like I waste so much time there when I'm looking for items on the registry for friends, because items are always scattered, discontinued, or wrong. (i.e. Pink pacifiers for my friend who is having a baby boy.) It's possible that they could have made that mistake, but who doesn't go look at their registry online once it's created?? She would have noticed pink pacifiers on there. I had another friend who said that BBRUs would add crap to their registry, and delete stuff as well. It's almost never busy there, however I find myself waiting for staff members to help me either find something, or check out. Someone stated in a previous post that they waited 10 minutes for a cashier to come, and I really feel like I am always waiting as well for someone to come over and check me out. I refuse to have a baby registry here, and I cringe everytime I have to go here to get an item off of a friend/family member's registry!