Okay, so I get billed for 1/2 a years visits at the end of a year. I call to ask why here's what they tell me "Oh there was a copay" Why not charge me at the office at the visit then? "Because the doctors were swapping systems." For 6 months? Bull. They never even looked at the reason why were visiting either. it was "Oh you're wife is fat." Okay... "No she's not pregnant, but let's see if we can diagnose her with Diabetes!" But we're here about a boil on her leg... "DIABETES!" But the boil... "DIABETES!" Okay about my bill "DIABETES!!!!" and this ingrown toenail "DIABETES!!!!" or this weird hair "DIABETES!!!!" no they never actually looked at anything. Never saw Jurani either it was always some backwards ass nurse practicioner. So here's the real question? Why am I charged for only half the year? Well you know the answer I got.... "DIABETES!"