The past month has been the worst customer service as well as connection I have ever seen. I have the ultimate package which is SUPPOSED to give me download speeds of 300 + and Upload speeds of 30+ unfortunately I am getting around 150 Download and 2.80 Upload.. we have had over 10 techs out here to check the issues. First they tried to upgrade our modem and router saying it was an issue... I bought the EXACT model I was told 6 months ago so they would stop trying to up sell me on their crap. After having all these techs out and telling us that they will have an engineer look at it we decided renting one of their modems/routers to shut them up about it being out equipment. The equipment they have is putting out way worse speeds than ever. Each tech that has come out here has basically unplugged our equipment, restarted it and when the issue still continues we get an "I don't know what the problem is" response.. this is really unnerving since we pay over 100$ a month on this service. I work from home and have been unable to work due to the speeds being so slow and inconstant the past month. If I am not online working I am not getting paid.. so here we go a month of no pay. When calling customer support we have been given ridiculous people on the phone saying things as "your speeds are good" , "you can get 'up to' 300 mbps with the ultimate package"
I believe if you are paying for what they are offering then you NEED to provide the speeds to go with it. I even had a tech on the phone say that "You still have internet right?" yes, I have the slowest internet in the world should I STILL pay 100$ a month for CRAP? no! After having this last tech out today to see what the problem is I have absolutely HAD it..... we were promised to have the same techs that were out here last time and the supervisor and we were given some guy that just started working for cox and couldn't perform any task to help us. Cox Communications is ran by a whole bunch of idiots obviously when looking at all the comments just from TODAY. No one cares, no one takes the time to help you and no one has the right EQUIPMENT to fix the issues... I never knew of an internet service that is full of "I don't know what to tell you's " Cox you are wasting your money sending techs out that can't fix our problem, you are wasting my money, time and effort to work from home because you are all so careless as to helping any one that needs help. Instead of fixing our issue right the first time you send over 8 techs to my house, have me wait around all day for you guys to show up (if you do... mind you I have had a lot of techs not show up to scheduled appointments ) and most importantly word of mouth isn't looking so hot for you guys. Check my account - it's under Patrick Cooley/ Alyssa Tampourlos there you will see how many NOTES and what not are on our account. We don't call you because we are bored and want to blow smoke up your ass, all we are asking is for what we are paying you assholes GOOD MONEY for. If I really had the time to put every single tech and rep I have spoken to through you guys I will. Check this posting as a warning because I am ABSOLUTELY fed up with your shit.