| - The doctor working was not pleasant, she shot down my answer to her question of what is wrong, as if I had not a clue what was going on with my body, when my husband made a statement she told him no as well very short, she was very negative when I told her that I took some All Natural medication to help me with what was bothering me, her actual words were "you might as well have licked a mushroom, that crap doesn't work" there were plenty of other ways she could have expressed her disgust without making me feel like what I feel helps me was worthless. As well as she was okay with offering me a pain shot in my back without even completing the x-ray to see if that was actually the problem. and when I told her I didn't want a shot till we knew what was wrong, she seemed irritated by my declining it. When the x-ray came back she said "well it looks like arthritis, and if you weren't so overweight 'no offense', that is what is probably causing it." I'm aware of my situation, however her bedside manner was not friendly or inviting, nor funny, when someone is in pain the normal persons response is at least pleasant, she was not. She didn't ask for any back ground or history on me, other then "Do you have any other problems besides this, that might have something to do with it?" Must have just been a bad day for her however it was not helpful or enjoyable experience by any means.
The nurse on duty was very nice, and kind along with the registration desk lady was very kind as well.