Came here today after buying a Groupon for it. I didn't take the best pictures but I really enjoyed it. I like how you can order via their iPad menus and how they served the food in the bags. We had shrimp in garlic sauce which seemed to be never ending in the bag, we also had lobster with mushrooms in their signature sauce. Corn on the cob and garlic bread also came on the side. I would definitely go back.
A few minuses - water should be naturally served. Especially with all of that food. There should be a heads up as to how hot the food is when it comes. It literally was piping hot. A bucket of some sort should be provided to throw the shells in. We had to deshell the shrimp and ended up using the bowl from our clam chowder order we made. Finally, my Caesar drink had no rim. :( I love Caesars but without a rim, it just seems wrong. Be ready to get messy if you come complaints about that. It was a fun experience.