Don't trust their appointments!! I made an appointment, drove 30 mins to the store and when I got there I was told that the technician left 90 mins earlier. Really?!
The guy working there told me that they can look at my device and see if a repair is needed. To which he looked at the phone for two seconds and said "sorry, you're going to have to come back another day..."
Ok so if I go online and make an appointment. I get it that they may have been confused as to the purpose of my trip. But wait! Here's what the email said:
"Your appointment has been scheduled for 6/15/2016 8:30 PM. A technician may contact you for further information, if needed.
Your Requested Service: Battery Replacement for Apple iPhone 6. Remember to bring your device with you. We also recommend that you back-up any important data prior to repair."
So that's pretty clear why I'm came to the store.
At this point it's all water under the bridge, and I'll have to make another trip to get my battery replacedbut his time to someplace besides "batteries plus"
I just received this email:
"We missed you at your scheduled repair appointment: Battery Replacement for Apple iPhone 6.
We invite you to reschedule your appointment to have a Batteries Plus Bulbs technician inspect, diagnose, and repair your device."
Uhhh...That's not going to happen.