Stay away from Dr. Brian Lemper and his business. Before I even get to my story, know that Lemper paid more than $1 million to settle charges of overbilling insurance companies...and as part of that settlement, he is/was still not immune from criminal charges!
Now for my story - I went here a few years ago as I was having some back pain. After trying a few things, I was encouraged to have an epidural (shot in the back) to hopefully alleviate some pain. I was assured this expensive procedure was covered by my insurance. Both Dr. Lemper and the receptionist confirmed this. The procedure did not yield any results and Dr. Lemper "encouraged" me to do it again. I was resistant as the first one seemed to have no effect, but Lemper convinced me a second one might have a greater result. Once again I agreed.
Sure enough - nothing. However, despite all the assurances, my insurance would NOT cover either of the procedures. I was never told that "maybe" the insurance company would cover it or that "most of the time" the insurance company would cover it. I was told it "would be" covered. My mistake, in retrospect, was not getting it in writing.
So, if the fact that Dr. Lemper is a liar as well as criminal isn't enough to deter you from using him - you're on your own.