I've been to All European three times now and they were very un-helpful. The 1st time was for the 150 point inspection on the used Mercedes I just bought. ($150)
The second was for an oil/filter change and parking light replacement. ($175)
I found out about a week or two later they essentially took my money and did nothing. After the 150 point inspection that took less then an hour (it should take way longer) they told me it was in perfect order except for motor mounts and the dashboard lights. Great.
After that I had one parking lamp that had a different bulb then the other so I had them replace one bulb so they match. At that point they say, "oh gosh your whole headlight assembly wasn't plugged in but we did it for you." At first I think how nice, but then I wonder how the heck they missed that during the 150 point inspection. The next day I realize both parking lamps no longer work. When I went back they say I must have blew a dude and it's $100 for them to check it. Wow!! Are you serious?!
On that last visit I expressed how important it was my car be in good running order since I was driving to California, and Mike assured me it was. Once I got to California the car started leaving fluid. I ended up having to take it to the dealership. It had a hydraulic leak. The Mercedes dealership did a complimentary visual inspection and found a long list of things wrong with the car, the most important thing being the pads and rotors. They were worn down to emergency levels! How the blank blank did All European miss that?! I paid $150 for an inspection and it seems to me they didn't inspect anything. There is no reason they could have missed that. The reason I went there is so I know I'm driving in a safe car, how could they miss something like that? I was truly ready to be a loyal customer and I feel like they have been taking advantage of me from day one. I understand the dealership may have been putting extras on it but brakes and the severity mine were at really baffles me. I knew I should have went with my gut when I saw the many other bad reviews but I really wanted to give mike the benefit of the doubt because he seemed like an ok guy. Now I just feel stupid. I wanted to go back and demand an explanation but honestly once I thought about it... Why waste my time for me to only leave mad. Just wanted to update you all on the full picture.
I included pics of the inspection results so you can see how much all European missed (if u can zoom in)