This store is huge! Manifest has the biggest selection of new and used CDs and DVDs in town. In an age of mp3s and iPods, it's still fun to explore in the used music and movie sections. And if you don't find what you're looking for they probably have it new at a reasonable price.
I usually go ahead and purchase DVDs I know I'll watch several times, like Superbad, Mr & Mrs Smith or Shaun of the Dead. Luckily places like Manifest will buy them back when you've memorized the dialog and are ready for something new. And if you want to add a classic like THX1138 or Bladerunner to your permanent collection, they probably have it cheaper than you can get online.
My only complaint is they don't have a bicycle rack out front and there is absolutely nothing to tether your ride to. But they do allow you to bring your bike inside. Relying on other people to keep my bike safe makes me nervous when it's locked but still just leaning against a wall. But they're good people and staff is very friendly.