| - The Dog Hut is right by the Stoughton Rd Exit off of the Beltline, and is an AMAZING Doggie Daycare. My Cookie is like my baby, I don't do human children, so I am very skeptical of who I leave her with. Every single day, and I mean every day, she pops her head up in the car when we pull up to daycare, and she goes nuts! She forgets all about me when I drop her off, and only wants to lick the faces of all of her human friends at daycare. I couldn't ask for better people to watch Cookie, and a better place for her to spend her days. I get little notes/report cards every once in a while telling me about who she played with, how hard she played, and if anything exciting happened. They have dealt with her for nearly 3 months now, and have seen her after she has been spayed, torn her ACL, and lost a tooth. When I pick her up, she is so worn out from playing all day, and sleeps for 3 hours when we get home. They're a family run daycare, and treat every dog like they're part of the family. I can't thank them enough for all they have done for my little Cookie!!