I was really craving guac and I really wanted to try this popular American chain. I have that coriander "intolerance" where the stuff tastes gross to me. It's apparently pretty common. EVERY SINGLE TOPPING HAS CORIANDER ON IT. Rice? Coriander. Tomatoes? Coriander. GUAC?!?!?!?! CORIANDER. What kind of monster puts coriander in guacamole? Honestly.
Okay, whatever. That's their style of food. Lots of people like coriander. They can't cater to my tastes and that's fine. The only things I could get on my tacos were hot sauce, sour cream, and lettuce. Lettuce......... The teenager working there gave me THREE SHREDS OF LETTUCE PER TACO. How expensive is lettuce?! IS THERE A LETTUCE CRISIS THAT I DON'T KNOW ABOUT?! I basically came out with 3 plain tacos that I paid over ten dollars for. I'm a fool.
(Holy caps lock, Batman! I apologize for the style of this review, I got pretty heated while writing it.)