| - I tagged along with my husband on his quest to buy ammunition (not as charming as it sounds) to this place when they were having their hugely hyped tent sale. I'm a curious sort, so I wandered out to the tent. Yikes, what a waste of canvas and my time. If those are clearance prices then I'm Queen of the Nile.
The employee who helped with the ammunition (inside, that stuff does not go on sale) was courteous, and we didn't have to wait very long for him (it's one of those 'press the button and wait' deals). In fact, he soft of jogged over, which I appreciated.
I don't love the set-up at the registers. You stand on the side by the counter until it's time to swipe your credit card and sign the screen, then you walk around to the front of the register. It's not painful or anything, but it feels very awkward, and the young man working the register was not especially charming (but better than the person at the register the last time I was there, she was a unhappy camper). I don't need people to befriend me, but I like it when they aren't actively bored and/or wishing for death.