| - I had a huge bag full of clothes (Express, H&M, Forever 21, etc.) that I was just going to donate and my sister recommended that I first take them to this place since she was sure that they would take all of it (great condition and some were never worn). I walked in and go up to the counter, the girl was telling me how it works while another lady came up. The other lady ended up getting her stuff checked before mine, which I thought was weird. The girl working told me that it would take 20 minutes, which I appreciated her telling me that, even though I actually had to wait over 40 minutes.
While I was waiting, I looked around the store and was confused. Most of the clothes were cheap-ish clothes like target and Walmart clothes and were priced between $10-$20. From what I read about this place I thought they took clothes like what I brought in, but they turned all my stuff down and said it was "too mature" for their store and that I should try another place.
If you are looking for target and Walmart style clothes for $15, this is a place to go, but personally I think that you could probably go to target and buy a brand new shirt or something.