| - I am right on board with Wenchi on this one. Although this is the first time I have purchased, I could not see the process going any worse for us. I have a long list of emails from both our agent and myself that weren't answered in anything near a timely manner.
If you call the mortgage center line, it goes straight to voicemail. If you call Roger's number, same thing. Elizabeth never provided us her number, instead saying everything would be handled via email. Again, slow to respond to those emails would be an understatement. I did call the branch, asking them to transfer me to Roger's extension. That was the only way I could get him to answer. I assume his caller ID was showing a One Nevada Credit Union number calling, and he thought it might be "someone important". Nope, just me.
We were told that final underwriting has a 24 hour turn around. We had our requirements filed on a Thursday, and didn't hear back from Roger until Monday, after business hours, that it was kicked back as incomplete. That's 3 business days later, plus two weekend days. The only part incomplete was that they had taken so long from the initial documentation, that my pay stubs were now too old. And because of the program we used, we needed another year's tax return. Shouldn't the loan officer know that would be needed?!? According to Roger when he did finally get back to me, he had known about it, and Elizabeth had been bugging him to call us. So why didn't he? We sent everything in that Tuesday, since he had called after business hours Monday, and it wasn't until Friday when I sent my "threatening to go elsewhere" email (see next paragraph) that we heard anything back. That's 8 days after we initially sent the documentation.
Just like Wenchi said, we got the excuse that it was because they had so many loans to deal with. I can understand that. So I sent an email to Roger wondering what was going on, and asking if I should look for a different lender. I asked for him to please let me know if One Nevada was too busy to service my loan. Lo and behold, 9 minutes later, he had read, typed and sent an email back to me. This was record breaking speed for them. Funny how that is when you're threatened with losing your commission. Unfortunately, Roger started said email with "Matt, calm down". WOW!! Not how I like to do business.
Like I said, that was on a Friday. Another weekend passed, many more emails from my agent asking when to extend escrow until, both to Roger and Elizabeth, again without answer. Roger then called saying we needed to show more money for our 20% down payment. We had made cash deposits that aren't able to be tracked. Understandable. However, when I went over the numbers with him, and cross-referenced with the title company, it wasn't adding up. That caused another week to pass. Yesterday, Tuesday, the 11th of October, we finally got the closing disclosures. Sure enough, my numbers were right, and the extra $2000 gift we had to solicit wasn't even needed, we had enough traceable funds all along. September 29th we could have been at closing documents, but no.
Again, I emailed Roger. This time, "I know that you might not understand what the complete process entails for a home loan" is the way he starts things. It was simple math. I get that numbers can change, but you're the ones that give us the numbers. Don't give me an estimate that is $6,000 off, take the time to get the number right.
We have now had to file an addendum twice to extend escrow due to lack of communication from One Nevada. Initially, any refinance was going to be through them, but now, not only will that not be happening, but my checking and savings, as well as my son's account that I just opened for his first birthday, will be going elsewhere.
Please don't take this review to show any negativity towards the branches. They were amazing to work with. Very helpful and polite. Each time I walked in, they made sure to greet me, and apologize if there was ever a wait, which there rarely was.
Since I have posted, another review (2 stars) was removed. That is the person "Wenchi" that I refer to.