| - I went to this candy shoppe before hitting a concert at Mr. Smalls and had myself a halved Braunschweiger sandwich.
On white bread.
With lettuce, tomato, American cheese, and mayonnaise.
At a candy shoppe.
You see, Yetter's isn't just about the candy -- they're a diner and an ice cream parlor as well.
I asked an employee at Attic Records where Frank's Chicken & Pizza was but caught sight of this quaint throwback with its frilly red awning and silver pencil-eraser seats.
I walked in just after 5PM to get some candy and saw a menu board,
"We only have cold sandwiches at this hour," a server said to me.
So I ordered Braunschweiger. Hey, I can get ham anywhere.
Mashy with a livery flavor, it recalled pate, jumbo, hot dogs, bologna, and scrapple simultaneously.
"Didja like it?" The server seemed worried that I wouldn't. "Not too many people order that."
I stifled a belch and said, "I must have." My plate was empty.
Also had was a cup of a chunky, creamy, sweet potato salad, and a titanic hot fudge sundae capped with a crunchy chocolate chip cookie that had been cut in half.
My total for all of this food, including a tall can of Arizona Fruit Punch? $8.
"Whaddya yinz think of all these rock-and-rollers coming into your neighborhood?" I asked.
"Hey, yinz keep us in business," she replied.
On Yetter's I have a...
P.S. I'll have to get back and try some of their candy.