I've been using Bonds Alarm for just over two years and have been very happy with their service. They are a local company and their alarm monitoring is done at Scottsdale Air Park. The larger national companies contract with monitoring companies that can be located in any state. I personally like knowing that my monitoring is local. A little over two years ago when I researched and priced alarm equipment, install, and monitoring, I found Bonds Alarm to be the right company for me. The national guys offer better deals for installation, but with some negotiating, Bonds ended up coming to the table with the best price, best equipment, and superior service. Jeff is my rep and he's always available for questions on his cell phone, and he's very knowledgeable and has a long history with Bonds and this industry. All the staff is very friendly and their customer service really can't be beat. What triggered me to write this review two years later is that my contract just recently expired and I negotiated new terms with Bonds, which again, ended up being the best deal I could negotiate. Highly recommended.