I decided to give this company a try after getting several different quotes for a patio cover and concrete work. The initial estimate was great and included a discount. It's important to note that First Source sub-contracts their concrete and patio install, as I'm sure many companies do. I had Greg come out and do a written estimate which included a "visual" estimate for the concrete work. I was told it would possibly be $100 more depending on what the concrete sub-contractor said. It was later confirmed that the price for concrete work was $1600 based on the photos Greg sent the concrete guy. I agreed to that price and Greg came out to do a final estimate which was not written down but verbally agreed upon. In that estimate he decided to be generous and "throw in" what I believed to be approximately two extra feet of concrete for the verbally agreed upon price of $1600. Based on Gregs "generosity,"I was sure my decision in going with this company over a more reputable established company for my work was a great decision. While Greg was at my residence doing my estimate, I told him that I was trying to salvage two palms trees that he told me would be cut down and removed if I did not move them myself. I agreed to move the Palm trees and did so prior to my job being completed. I made my initial deposit to get all permits and my cover ordered and was told my concrete work would be done that weekend. The weekend came and went and there was no contact from the company. This was the first of many miscommunication errors I noted with this company. I called the office to ask about the status of my job and the lady who answered the phone had no clue that I had even paid my deposit, which is the reason the concrete was not done that weekend. Fast forward to the day my concrete was to be poured. The concrete guy showed up and started looking around the area where he was to pour the concrete. I should have known by his confused look that something was wrong. He took a few pictures and stepped outside for a few minutes. He then returned to tell me that I was responsible for removing a small stump that was left when I took out the palm trees and that Greg told him that he only said he would add extra concrete to the end of the house, not to the wall. He asked if I had an area where he could throw dirt that was going to be removed from where the concrete was to be poured. The end of the House literally was 3 inches more of concrete. Confused by what I believed was surely an error in communication, I called Greg to tell him that I was receiving some conflicting information. Greg immediately began to stutter and tell me that he did not say anything about removing the stump and that he only said he would add concrete to the end of the house, which was literally 3 inches. Greg apologized for my misunderstanding of the estimate,not his miscommunication. I attempted to get my money back and cancel the job with the company. I was told that since the patio cover had been ordered I would be responsible for paying the cover. I honored my agreement to pay for the cover and wanted this process to be over with. I was called by Greg and told that my cover would be the first installed on a Tuesday morning. Tuesday arrived and again I heard nothing from the company. I called once more to find out about the install of my patio cover. The lady in the office told me that the installer was running late on a previous install and would get to me once they were done. The installers arrived at 2pm that day and I had to change plans due to the miscommunication. It seems to me this company does not communicate well between one another. I had to find my own concrete sub-contractor prior to having my cover installed. I gave the original sub-contractor the ability to give me an estimate for the work due to him not being at fault for the visual estimate Greg gave me. I was surprised when I was quoted $2600 by the same guy who was gonna do the job for $1600. He told me that Greg sent him photos of a shortened area and did not accurately describe how much dirt needed to be removed.
I will say that the patio cover installers did a great job on the install. If you have the time and patience to deal with the miscommunication of this company then give them a try. If you value your time and money I suggest you either spend the extra $300-$400 and go with a more well established reputable company or buy the materials and reach out to their sub-contractors yourself.