Worth a visit. The price was $35 per adult when I entered which is reasonable considering the cost of cost of maintaining this well organized aquarium. Once inside I noticed play areas for small children. Walking further in your greeted by serene spa like Music which instantly slows you down and helps you enjoy the experience. Each area is displayed by sea creatures along with a helpful information board. There are fun activities for children and I think it's a great place to learn for them. The only drawback is the screaming kids. I visited in the middle of the week during the afternoon and it was not as busy but occasionally I would be jolted out of my relaxing moment by a crying child or when I was recording a video. It wasn't a lot of children but it's still distracting. Not much can be done about it, I'm sure the parents are more stressed than you'll be. So just be prepared for it. As a tourist, it was a lovely way to spend an hour and a half. It's best to slow down and absorb the moment. Watching the animals in their slow movement along with the music is such a treat. The passage ways are spacious and you can walk back and forth revisiting the same areas. My favorite was the shark tunnel which is not scary at all. It's moderately sized and the structure very well built. You can enjoy the variety of wildlife there and get a feel for how sharks swim. Most people will never be this close to one. The jellyfish area was magnificent, it almost seemed surreal with all the jellyfish moving slowly in a large panel. And the Goliath grouper was impressive as well. A short visit but very nice. Everything is clean and well run. The prices at the gift shift are reasonable as well. It was a great way to learn about the marine life in the area and other parts of the world.