| - Bought groupon $39 for 4 months from groupon, the sign up guy tried so hard to sell a 'new' package to me. I asked him if I can make up my mind after I tried the gym out first, but he insisted I do it now or else the price will go up. As a matter of fact, he has a price increase meeting tomorrow....hahaha
Did not opt for the 'new' package, stuck with my original package. He seemed upset...said fine, your membership expires in 4 months, you just get your membership and nothing else, you will have to pay for parking too. I told him...but I see that there is a sign that says one hr free parking. umm...err...ehhh...yeah, well, only one hr free, after that you will have to pay $3/hr. whatever...
After signing everything, he said you will get your access card after you finish your assessment (aka personal trainer sales pitch). I told him I do not need an assessment as I will only be using the treadmill. He said I HAVE to get an assessment for insurance purpose....LAAAME!
will update after my physical assessment.