I googled discounted tickets haunted vegas tour and was able to find a site where I could receive a significant discount plus purchase tickets at the same time. I am a local and had a little sister visiting town who loves ghost stuff. I was a little surprised the tour didn't have more o f a party atmosphere. You spend almost the whole time on a bus that you can't drink on and it doesn't have a restroom. Being a seasoned partier, I drank before hand and had to pi soooo bad during the tour. The tour guide told the bus to stop at a gas station but the other people on the bus were annoyed. I thought we would be getting off the bus at the sites, but you only get off 2 times. Once at a park in Henderson and the other at the seance portion. The stories were cool and video was nice. The guide is a man in his 70s who use to be a mortician so he had lots of interesting information. However, if you know some history about las vegas, some of the information you will already know. The lady at the seance seemed drunk, but it was entertaining in its lame way. I'm glad I got to experience the tour, but you are paying to sit on a bus for 2.5 hours and listen to an old guy talk, but I do love old people. I just wish you could drink on the bus and that there was a toilet on board. Make sure you pi before getting on the bus! Oh and the Royal resort (where the tour departs) does not have a bar, but there is a liquor store really close where you can get drinks and you can walk across the street to Walgreens and get a cheap las vegas souvenir cup to put them in. Then you can drink on the bus by saying the cup is filled with a non alcoholic beverage.