It's that time of year, when little kids come knocking on your door dressed up as monsters and ask you for candy with the threat of a trick as reason why you should give up the goods. Except no one really seems to do that these days since it takes so much work. Much better to play virtual trick or treat on the latest console game.
Still, if you want to impress your neighbors with the best treats in town, do something different and head down to Kilwin's. No shrink-wrapped funkiness here. You can watch as they painstakingly mold chocolate and then try and tap-tap-tap it out gently so that it doesn't break. And just as that last piece doesn't quite come free, they're left with a headless unicorn. Ah well, at least chocolate can be melted down again, right? (Most do come out, but you know you're cheering for the mold here.)
The only problem is that whacko story about people who put razors into candy, so no parent in their right mind is going to let the kids eat this stuff. Nope, the kids who bring home Kilwin's aren't going to see a bit - this treat is going straight to adult candyland. It's Frosty coupons and stale gummy burgers for you, rugrats.