| - Ok, so it's not in the best area of town, run down apartments, English is the 2nd or 3rd language, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do (especially when the Dr. tells her to), getting past the scary outter appearance, I enter what seems to be the worlds' tiniest waiting room stuffed with deer in the headlight eyes, after waiting about 2 hours watching the cattling of patients come & go, it's my turn...'take off your' clothes', 'Lie there, head up, feet down', she explains that some people require detailed instruction, ready, in comes the anesthesiologist, cute guy, after noting that I have allergies to sulfides the nurse produces what can only be described as a HUGE syringe filled with a milk like substance, luckily it's put into my IV, not my skin, 'How do you feel?', 'Fine', 'Ok, All done'....Huhhhhh?