VetMed has been so wonderful with our Bree. She is turning 12 on 9-11 and has Pancreatitis and Diabetes. They have been treating her since 2010 mostly on Emergency for Pancreatitis. Every doctor and staff knows our Bree and loves her as much as we do. Today we took her in after spending most of the last month there for Pancreatitis to say goodbye. You are never ready for something like this and we didn't get the care we should have when we dropped her off off last Friday. I talked with the Supervisor today before saying goodbye and herself and the emergency doctor there Dr. Blum donated a night to her to try and make her better. We're so grateful and thankful to VetMed and Jennifer and Dr. Blum for giving her one last try. She's been such a wonderful dog and so loving and just the best. We feel so grateful to VetMed and all of the staff.