Fly this airline for the price, not for comfort/custom service
I've flown this airline for years (i also traveled for work for about 2 years so i have experience with many airlines), and I've never really had a problem with them. I understand that this company is trying to do everything as cheap as possible so they aren't going to have tons of customer service people to help, and you might have to wait a while to talk to someone on the phone (or in person). I usually book online and NEVER try to change my reservation. If you think you'll have to change then i'd buy the insurance, but i have no experience with that. It is a bummer that their check in bag weight limit is 40lbs instead of 50 like every other airline. As others have mentioned you must be at the airport early, so as long as you follow their rules, that they are very clear about then you'll be fine. Biggest plus for me is that the smaller airports are easier to deal with than the larger airports and it's hard to beat their price. Also you can save a few dollars if you don't pick your seats when booking online.