Yesterday there was some kind of SNAFU down at the west side Schlotzky's. Apparently it is not possible for the employees of this establishment to apply sliced avocado to a sandwich. They have in their possession both guacamole and sliced avocados, but only guacamole is permitted on the sandwiches. Rules is rules.
The food was fantastic. The iced tea was perfect.
What is with the weird marketing? I don't want to think about how Arizona schools are some of the worst in the country while I eat. Using the "lotz" from the name Schlotzky's to make claims like "lotz better" is a cheez ball move. Iz there some kind of connection to naming the bread "bunz"? When the ownerz found out their nephew had a MySpace page, they must have hired him to re-brand their product for the internetz generation. Too bad they didn't know he waz a putz.