It's definitely not my favourite freshco to go to for groceries, but when I'm coming back from school down steeles, it's the best and easiest choice. Parking is never a problem but there are definitely dumbasses in every lot, just like you'll find anywhere.
This grocery chain is my favourite one in richmond hill, but here it just seems ..bad. First, they NEVER have ripe avocados.. the other ones usually have unripe ones with a few ripe ones for people that want to use it that day. Not this store.. every single avocado is rock hard and won't be able to be used for at least a few days.. kind of ruins my last minute vegan prep if you ask me. It's a bit inconvenient but not a big deal. The workers here seem tired out of their mind, and they probably are from the constant rush of people.
The customers here are the rudest I've ever seen.. maybe it's the area's demographic but some behaviour is just not acceptable. I had a sprained knee and this lady totally was not watching where she was going. Instead she was babbling some bs to her friend and spinning around to talk to her, while knocking me to the side. Then she proceeded to glare at me?!? Excuse you, you rancid disgusting excuse for a human being! This is not the only encounter like this I've had at this store. Many people bump into you without nothing more than a blank stare while others charge out of aisles with their baby stroller... almost makes me think about kicking a baby down. BAD THOUGHTS, BAD THOUGHTS... that's what this place will do to you.
Not a fan of the etiquette displayed here but whatever, groceries are groceries.