I went to the Cat's pajama's on a recommendation from a friend. She told me I would be able to find exactly what I was looking for there.
When I walked in the lady didn't even look up from whatever she was doing at the till. I said hello and started looking around. When another lady walked in, The woman working jumped to feet with a smile and offered to help her.
After she appeared done I walked up to the woman and asked for help. She asked what I was looking for and looked me up and down and said, "what size are you?" when I told her she said, "I don't think I have that size".
When I was urged to go to the store I was told I would be properly fitted for what I was looking for and that the people who work there are super helpful.
The woman went to the back and grabbed me something, The item fit and looked super good, but I decided to go to Knickers n Lace instead!! I bought the same thing but had way better service. The woman at Cats Pyjamas never smiled and appeared annoyed that I attempted to give her my money.
not once at Knickers N Lace did they say, "I don't think I have that size". If you want good service go elsewhere!