I've only been here once and didn't like it. I thought it was pretentious and dark. I was there for a poetry reading (Shane Koyczan--who was fantastic), and only a few rows of chairs were set down in front of the stage. The majority of us had to stand through the whole show, it was very uncomfortable. Luckily I had managed to secure a tiny portion of bar space to set my drink, but to my chagrin as soon as my eye was turned an employee grabbed my drink (which still had some in it, by the way) and ran. Irritated, I went back to the bar to get a replacement, and this time it cost almost a dollar less! The bartender was different the second time. The first bartender was not only rude but ripped me off.
It will be a sunny, rainless day in Vancouver before I ever visit this little crap-hole again. But Shane was awesome.