As mentioned in the Novant Winston-Salem review, they will go deep into your wallet and leave you in deep debt for little to nothing being done. I had discomfort that was nagging all day and completely not thinking, I went to the ER. Huge mistake on my part. To sum up, 90 minutes sitting up on ER table, a half a pill, an EKG and BAM $3100 bill. 20 minutes of the 90 minutes was spent listening to a sales pitch from the doctor for an unnecessary overnight stay. After refusing she became visibly upset and stormed from room to get paper for me to sign for refusing to stay overnight. Really? That's what to expect from a Dr in an ER? A sales pitch? Avoid these criminals. To sit on a table for 90 minutes and listen to a sales pitch, $1700. Half a pill, $235. Never ever ever ever going back to this place, priceless.