ugh i am wishing right now that i was anywhere but home (sorta trying to finish a BA this may) and that got me reminiscing about my last trip away back to one of my favorite cities, one I hold dear to my heart, CALGARY.
I hadn't been back in 8 years, so when my father told me he had to go to Calgary for his work, the week before school started, he asked if I wanted to tag along. OF COURSE. I grew up frequently going to Calgary when i was 7 to 14 years old (it was the first place i saw snow!) so my pending trip back got me thinking about all the cool things i used to do going there. Top of the list was PRINCE'S ISLAND PARK.
I was so excited to see that it hadn't changed in the past 8 years, I mean you can't really mess with perfection right!? As I walked over the bridge and biked down the paths memories upon memories starting flooding my mind. AND i made a bundle of new memories as I casually biked the many routes along the bow river and stopped to talk with the ducks and geese along the way.
If you find yourself in this up-and-coming, beautiful, friendly city then you best check out Prince's Island Park. Great place to be during summer, and everyone knows that.
You can sit along the many benches that the park provides or roll out a blanket and enjoy your ice cream from one of the ice cream trucks nearby or your coffee from the mall across the street, and watch the people and day go by in the fresh open air. i can imagine that during the fall and winter this park doesn't get as much use but is still amazingly beautiful with the autumn foliage and snow. Calgary's city planners did a great job creating this park. So easy for so many people to enjoy whether your riding a bike, rollerblading, walking your dog, pushing a stroller, skateboarding, whatever!
I hope it doesn't take me another 8 years to get back to Calgary.
TIP: The Bow River Parkway is used by loads commuters into downtown Calgary during the summer. if you find yourself casually biking during rush hour (4-6pm) then just be aware. Stay off to the right and cruise and let these guys/girls pass ya (they are serious).
ALL OF A SUDDEN your music is getting remixed with the sound of bike bells chiming in the background, this is just other bikers letting you know that they are behind, close, gonna pass, roll up past yah. REMEMBER to use your bike bell too, it let's pedestrians know you like pass em and is definitely the way to communicate and makes everything go smoothly.