I decided to do a Sunday Fun day with friends ... We had went to Hi Fi before an had a fun experience. So we decided to do it again . But this time around could be the worse ever experience .. We got in fairly fast an headed towards a table, a friend had rented .While being helped up by the security guard who was watching the table we began to dance... An a short time later, I was forcefully grabbed an yanked off where I was dancing. When I go to look up it was the same security guard who had helped me up.. I was caught by surprise . Since a ex boyfriend was at the same table as I ,an he was not happy he had the security guard forcefully remove me without any warning . Then as I go to reach for my purse calmly since I was removed so fast.. I was yelled at that I was not to come near the table an then he shoved me down the stairs an shoved my purse into my chest . I was in total shock with how I was treated . I then went to the patio , to collect my self an stop crying !!! My friends came to see if I was all right .. They where told they could stay at the table but I could not. We decided to leave an I then asked the same security guard why he so rudely handled the situation. An his comment to me was he could do what ever the fuck he wanted ... I then went up to a host an asked to see a manager to talk about what had happened .Waited for 20 minutes an no manager came to talk to me ...So i decided to leave .. I now have a bruise on my arm where the security guard yanked me from the table.. I am now waiting for a call back from Hi Fi . Which has not happened yet !!!!