| - Want to now how to go to a Brazilian Churrascaria and leave hungry? Easy: go eat here.
I've been sitting at this restaurant for 50 minutes and have seen meat exactly 3 times. Sell you another beer? Certainly!. Want another glass of ice cold water? Surely! Bananas? But,of course! Barbecued pineapple? Why, sure! Actual churrasco is, sadly, harder to come by because when it does, it is pretty good. I want to be clear: the issue here is not the quality of the product, but the speed of its supply.
Someone should organize the serving properly: the servers ALWAYS start at the front of the room; Brazilian churrasco comes on a stick, which means there is a limited supply on each turn. Guess what happens with those of us seating at the back? We either get nothing or the center, which is going to be rare. If you, like me, do not like your beef while it still mooing, you're out of luck. Note to management: tell your people to start serving **where they left off** not again with the people in the front, who are already stuffed with every turn you gave them what should have be my food, too.
I wrote this whole thing on my phone while waiting to be served. When do you have time to even breath between servings in a Churrascaria? That's right: pretty much never. Unless, of course, you eat here tonight.
This is a two-star review instead of one because the food is pretty good, the ambiance is great and the people are really nice. I hope they get the service mess resolved.