NEVER EVER GO WITH THESE SCAM ARTISTS!!!! We got their top policy that they offered and our jetted tub that we had installed two years ago malfunctioned. We called our trusted home warranty and had an "expert" come out and told us it was under manufacturers warranty and they wouldn't be repairing it after taking our 75 dollars. The tub is NOT under warranty as it has a lifetime guarantee for parts ONLY. They argued that is still a warranty and they won't be covering labor or anything at all. Even after explaining that the tub company will be providing the parts and we just needed to have it repaired they still refused. SO BUYER beware. ANYTHING in your house that has any sort of lifetime guarantee, even if it is parts only will be rejected and you are left holding the bill and paying these bastards 75$. The office staff is rude, not helpful, arrogant and careless. We will not be recommending them to ANYONE whatsoever and I hope they go out of business.