I came in for a cut and color and was not pleased with my service when I went home. The haircut was good but the coloring was awful. I would not recommend this place for a coloring session.Looking around, their clientele was middle aged women and I could tell that the salon staff was not very current with hair trends. My highlights turned out to be more than warm, they were orange! More alarming than the color, was the fact that the highlights weren't blended properly and looked chunky and streaky. My stylist also was not good at placing the highlights. She ending up making me look like i had tiger stripes and i found multiple patches that were different colors and weirdly placed. The highlights were placed at my base near my scalp and then the ends but not color in between, leaving an awful sight. The cut and color came out to be about $169 together. Will not be returning. The worst part was that this woman was suppose to be the best person for highlights and was highly recommended.