I'm gonna fangirl for a moment... was searching around the valley for a crossfit gym, after being cleared by my doctor and told by him it would actually help my severe thyroid disease. After not being able to lift for 2 years, I lost all my muscle and am basically completely out of shape. I found this gym and sent an email. And mitch got back to me within I think a few hours. I show up. Completely like, shit I'm gonna suck. And damn right I sucked. (What am I talking about past tense, I still suck) But the people and coaches are amazing. And with their help I know I can get to where I want to be one day. They don't make you feel like a weak person when you're there. They are all welcoming, good people. For the first time... ever.. I feel like I fit in at a crossfit gym. Just changed my entire life. If you're going to pay to get your ass kicked, do it here. Best gym I've ever been to and never want to leave.