It started as a low vibration in my mouth.
Then it became a little more of a low-volume Hum.
Then my teeth started rattling, just a little bit.
I went and looked in the mirror into my opened mouth, and it hit me as to what was happening.
My taste buds were.....what?.....chanting......????
All I heard was tiny little echo of "We Are Not Worthy.....We Are Not Worthy" over and over again, building to a crescendo, then stopping abruptly.
Then they took a low bow.
This was right after eating the Mardi-Gras-inspired Comte ~ ham ~ celery root rémoulade crêpe from TGF today.
It was seriously one of the best things to ever cross my taste buds.
This truck is worthy of the hype. Some aren't - but this one IS.
I've still yet to get a taste of the duck fat fries - went too early once, and this time I was too late as they were sold out. Darnedest luck.
Go out of your way to visit these nice folks and their other-worldly crêpes. You will not be disappointed.