Let me start by saying it saddens me greatly to take any stars away from a Target, particularly since I love my Plano, Madison, and Chicago Targets so much, but I must be honest, so here is a list of a few of my gripes:
-All their clothes only seem to come in XS or XXL.
-They seem wayyyy understaffed. I typically have a 15 minute wait during check out, and yet they have the ability to open more check out lines...what gives?!?!?!
-All their eco friendly cleaning products (one of the main reasons I love Target so much) and their food items are picked over and rarely restocked...
-Also, their "cheaper" CD and DVD collections are pretty lame-O
I love Target!! It has kept me clothed, my room decorated, and my insatiable green thumb happy for years, but this one just makes me a sad panda :( :(