Don't waist your time.
Made an appointment was told they would be there
between 2 to 4, shows up at 4:45 and waists more time.
I had two new doors installed i watched the doors being installed.
they left the wires for new contacts. The guy said one door wire
was not good, suggested wireless i said ok. Then he went to the other
and wanted to drill a hole in a new $5000.00 at the top, I said no.
All he need to say in the beginning was do wireless and not waist time.
He gets paid by the hour. Looking to charge more $$$.
He's here 1 hr already and nothing has been done.
This company does not hire competant people.
There out of Canada, if i didn't pay for the monitoring as part of my
Association i would dump them in a heat beat. it's colose to 6 pm and he's on one door!